If you are a resident of Bayside Estates and Bayview, you may have noticed that water in the canals has a brown tint to it. We understand that this naturally raises questions and concerns. To help provide clarity around the issue, we wanted to address some of the common questions we have received from fellow residents:
What is causing the brown colouration of the water?
The canal network is connected to a creek which runs through the northwest community of Sagewood. Within this creeks watershed, there is a particular plant species that releases tannins, which causes the water to turn a slightly brown colour, like steeping tea. This is a natural phenomenon and does not cause health concerns.
Does this have an effect on the quality of the water?
The colouration of the water does not have an effect on the quality of the water. During the course of development, Genesis Land installed several water recirculation systems throughout the communities. This ensures the water colour quality is high because it reintroduces oxygen into the water and helps prevent mosquitos from hatching. These recirculation systems are now owned and operated by the city and the water turns over six times per year.
Can Genesis Land prevent this from happening?
The canals used to be an isolated water system, meaning there was no outside flow from other sources. However, the City of Airdrie’s water management plan mandated that we connect communities south of Yankee Valley Boulevard as well as future communities south of 24th Street West and Bay Springs into our canals network. Because the canals are now a flow-through waterway, there is little we can do to change the colour of the water.
What does this mean for Bayside and Bayview residents?
The canals are one of the most defining and beautiful features of our communities. All offsite storm water that flows through the canals network is created to meet Alberta environment protection standards before it enters the canals. Because the colouration of the water does not pose a risk to safety or water quality, you can continue to use and enjoy the canals in the same way you always have!
We are committed to doing our best to ensure our communities are vibrant and beautiful places to live. If you do have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us directly at info@genesisland.com.